Wednesday, February 11, 2009

And now I wanna be your dog

For about a month now Zach and I have been dog owners. This means that:
1) I have taken approximately 20 pictures of the dog. (Only half of which are objectively cute)
2) There is dog hair present in every room on every floor.
3) I have discovered what a pleasant place Austin is for dogs.

First of all, there is this: (thanks Dana). There are over a dozen dog parks and seven dog bakeries. We've only hit up one dog park but we go there every weekend. It has a nice ratio of dogs to water/trees.
I've never been a dog owner before. My family always preferred the low-maintenance cat lifestyle. Whiskers, Maya, Squeakers, and Luna were/are all fabulous representatives of the cat species. I have NOT and will never denounce cats. I think sometimes people like to section themselves off into being either a dog or cat person. But comparing the two animals isn't fair. Though they are both common pets, they are completely different beings. I like that most cats aren't as destructive as dogs. I like that they can sleep comfortably next to you and rarely smell bad. I like that I can take a dog outdoors to run and play. I like that if I raise my voice to a high-pitched squeal a dog will instantly get excited, even though it has no idea what is about to happen.
Anyway, meet Anna:

She's about 11 months old and appears to be some sort of retriever mix. Zach's mom rescued her back in October from the side of a road in Arkansas. Her and her sister were only 6 pounds and covered with mange. Zach's mom did all of the hard work in raising her and nursing her back to health. Now she's a happy 30 lb. city dog (the pictures tend to make her look large, but actually she only comes up to our knees). She loves to eat bones and tear apart her toys like all dogs, but due to her tough life as a puppy she's not quite familiar with playing. She won't do tug of war (if we try to grab something from her she surrenders it immediately) and when we throw something she just looks at it. Also, she's an affection addict. If you're petting her, expect to be there for a while. If you stop she will promptly put her paw on your leg/arm and look at you sadly. Only when she's decided she's had enough will she leave your side.
So yes, now I'm rambling about my dog. It's happened to me. I'm one of those people. But it is important to note that:
1) I have not, nor plan to buy any clothes for my dog.
2) You will not receive emails, cards, or letters with Anna's name signed to the bottom.
3) If you call me you will not have to talk to Anna and I will not make Anna say hello.


Tamago said...

I feel the need to defend dog clothes. I didn't always think dog clothes were a good idea, and, yes, I've even returned a sweater that made Aesop look absolutely stupid. HOWEVER, there's just no denying how awesome an authentic Snoop Dogg hoodie can look on an otherwise scrappy dog. And then there's the spurs jersey that I'm pretty sure gave the team the extra edge in their recent game versus the Celtics. And, really, when Aesop is asking to put these on, can I really object? Anna, right now, may not need clothes, but take her somewhere cold, once she starts shivering...or if she finds a great team to root for, you may think twice about the clothes. :)

Courtney said...

for the record it would make me extremely happy to receive mail with Anna's name signed on the bottom, especially if it included photos of Anna wearing clothes.

emilyaldenfoster said...

I guess it's a good thing my cat already has a dog pen pal.