Things I have never done:
1) gotten a manicure
2) gotten a pedicure
3) gotten a massage
4) gotten a facial/spa treatment of any kind
5) had my hair professionally dyed or highlighted
6) had anything professionally waxed
7) ordered lobster or duck or steak in a restaurant
8) owned a car less than five years old (my current is over 10)
9) paid for a music festival (i always volunteer so i can go for free)
10) bought anything I couldn't pay for all at once
Yes. This may be fiscally responsible. I imagine my parents would read this and feel proud that they had raised such a practical daughter. I have savings. I shop carefully and consciously. It's all very reasonable. And boring.
Lately, I've been thinking about how I'm getting older and this window for frivolousness is closing. There is a certain class of things that you can discount as foolishness that comes with your "twenties." It's not uncommon to hear older people say, "oh yeah when I was in my twenties..." as if that was the time when anything was excusable. I'm not saying I haven't done my share of careless things, but I am saying I haven't done enough. And I need help. Soon.