Sunday, May 2, 2010

What I still haven't learned

So I've been 28 over a month now and what's most interesting to me isn't what I've learned, but what I still haven't:

1) I still have a hard time reconciling the conflicted feelings I have when many people want something that I can't fathom wanting. I always think to myself, "why don't I want that too? is it something weird about me?" At 28 this feeling comes strongest when I hear about people getting married and/or having babies. I don't want it now. I just don't. I think I some point...probably...but I don't want it the way most people seem to and it makes me question why I feel that way. It gets harder as you get older because people start asking you to explain this in a way you didn't have to when you were 19 or 20. I don't get through a month without having to talk about why I'm not married (nine years with Zach as of tomorrow). It's like when I was vegetarian for that year. When you make a choice that goes against mainstream you suddenly have to become this activist for your decision and get on some soapbox, even if it's as simple as something that makes sense to you...not because you're anti the other thing.

2)I absolutely love people and I haven't learned how to keep myself out of everybody's business all the time. I think a big reason I became such a big fiction reader is because I can't get enough of hearing what people are thinking about, the decisions they're making, and then helping them plan their next move. This makes me a popular friend because I am pretty easily invested in whatever anyone's drama is, but leaves me a little exhausted when I put a bunch of energy into someone and they do something I spent a lot of time advising them not to do. Or I put myself in the middle, relay messages from one person to the other, and then days and hours of energy later can't find a way to get out. All of this said, I don't expect to grow out of this...I'm just hoping I can begin to leave more and more wiggle room as I get older to spend sometime on getting what I want instead of living through other people.

3)On a less deep note, it's still hard for me to dance like nobody's watching.

1 comment:

ariel said...

1,2,and 3 are all the reasons I love you.

And a note about 3, someone is always watching. That was weird and really creepy, sorry.